Jumat, 22 Juni 2012

artikel cybercrime dan komentar

CyberCrime with Violence
In ARTIKEL CYBERCRIME on April 23, 2009 at 6:22 pm

Kejahatan Cyber ( Cybercrime) adalah sebuah kejahatan yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan computer dan bertekhnologi internet sebagai sarana/ alat sebagai objek atau subjek dan dilakukan dengan sengaja. Cybercrime with violence adalah sebuah perbuatan melawan hukum dengan menggunakan computer berbasis jaringan dan tekhnologi internet yang menjadikan jaringan tersebut menjadi subjek/objek dari kegiatan terorisme, kejahatan cyber pornografi anak, kejahatan cyber dengan ancaman ataupun kejahatan cyber penguntitan.
Secara harfiah, kejahatan cyber yang menjadikan korban dengan menggunakan kekerasan secara langsung memang tidak bisa dilihat hubungan timbal baliknya, namun ada implikasi dari kejahatan-kejahatan tersebut, yang berupa ancaman terhadap rasa aman dan keselamatan korban kejahatan.
    Dr. Dorothy Dennings, (Bernadette Hlubik Schell, Clemens Martin, Cybercrime: A Reference Handbook, ABC-CLIO,2004) salah satu pakar cybercrime di Universitas Goergetown Amerika mengatakan bahwa “jaringan internet telah menjadi lahan yang subur untuk melakukan serangan – serangan terhadap pemerintah, perusahaan-perusahaan dan individu-individu. Para pelaku kejahatan ini melakukan pembobolan data, penyadapan dan penguntitan individu/personal yang mengakibatkan terancamnya keselamatan individu, merusak jaringan website yang mengakibatkan hancurnya data base yang sudah dibangun, ada dua faktor yang sangat penting untuk menentukan apakah korban dari cyber terorisme ini dapat menjadi ancaman yang mengakibatkan terlukai atau terbunuhnya banyak orang. Faktor yang pertama apakah ada target yang dapat dibuktikan bahwa kejahatan ini dapat menuntun dilakukannya kekerasan dan penganiayaan. Faktor yang kedua adalah apakah ada actor yang mempunyai kapabilitas ( kemampuan) dan motivasi untuk dilakukannya cyber terorisme”.
    Dari keterangan diatas, maka dapat dibedakan antara hacker yang memiliki alat, pengetahuan dan alat dengan tindakan cyber terorisme. Mereka para Hacker pada umunya tidak memiliki motivasi kapabilitas untuk melakukan kekerasan yang mengakibatkan tingkat kerusakan yang tinggi di jaringan internet. Untuk kejahatan terorisme dengan motivasi keagamaan, kekerasan terinspirasi sebagai tindakan yang baik, ekstrimis keagaamaan menjadi tertarik terhadap target yang lebih luas dan tidak membeda-bedakan target kekerasan akibat dari perspektif yang terbentuk dengan bantuan alat / tekhnologi internet. Mereka menjadikan isu dengan tendensi agar seluruh penganut keagamaan yang tidak sealiran dengan mereka menjadi target. Isu-isu sosial itulah yang disebarluaskan melalui jaringan cyber sehingga menjadikan target kekerasan yang dapat mematikan kepada semua orang diluar sana. Banyak orang sekarang menjadi terancam keselamatan fisiknya baik dilakukan melalui pesan maupun kampanye kebencian yang menyesatkan karena cyberterorisme.
    Pemerintah USA telah mendefinisikan Cyberterorisme sebagai perbuatan terorisme yang dilakukan, direncanakan dan dikoordinasikan dalam jaringan cyberspace, yang melalui jaringan computer. Faktor-faktor yang menjadikan menjadi pertimbangan untuk mencegah Cyber crime sebagai prioritas utama adalah (Debra Littlejohn Shinder, Ed Tittel, Scene of the Cybercrime: Computer Forensics Handbook, Syngress, 2002):
Perluasan target kekerasan : Cybercrime yang melibatkan kekerasan atau potensi kekerasan melawan orang ( khususnya terhadap anak-anak) adalah normal sebagai prioritas utama, kejahatan terhadap property yang mengakibatkan kerugian yang bernilai besar juga menjadi focus perhatian yang lebih besar untuk ditanggulangi dari pada dengan nilai kerugian yang kecil.
Frekwensi Kejadian : Cybercrime yang terjadi lebih sering menjadi focus perhatian utama dari pada yang jarang terjadi.
Kemampuan Personel : penyidikan cybercrime yang dapat dilakukan oleh satu penyidik lebih membantu satuannya karena tidak banyak penyidik yang dimiliki untuk melakukan penyidikan cybercrime.
Pelatihan Personel : membeda-bedakan kasus cybercrime dan bukan kadangkala tergantung penyidik yang sudah dilatih atau belom.
Jurisdiksi : Kesatuan secara umum lebih menitik beratkan kepada kasus yang menimpa masyarakat local. Walaupun mempunyai kewenangan secara hukum, banyak kesatuan tidak mengeluarkan dana dan sumber dayanya untuk menangani kejahatan cyber melewati batas jurisdiksinya.
Tingkat Kesulitan Penyidikan: Tingkat kesulitan pengungkapannya dan tingkat kesuskesan dari hasil penyidikan dapat menjadikan kasus cybercrime mana yang menjadi prioritas.
Faktor Politik : Pengungkapan seringkali dipengaruhi pengaruh suasana politis yang menjadikan kasus cyber sebagai prioritas utama.

Komentar :
Cybercrime with violence adalah sebuah perbuatan melawan hukum dengan menggunakan computer berbasis jaringan dan tekhnologi internet yang menjadikan jaringan tersebut menjadi subjek/objek dari kegiatan terorisme, kejahatan cyber pornografi anak, kejahatan cyber dengan ancaman ataupun kejahatan cyber penguntitan.
Hal ini sangat berdampak buruk bagi para penggunanya, karena mengganggu rasa aman dan keselamatan para korban. Seharusnya kejadian ini ditindak lebih lanjut dan diberlakukan hukum tegas oleh pemerintah dan harus diprioritaskan, karena lemahnya peraturan dan kurangnya pengetahuan tentang mengatasi cybercrime dapat membuat semakin maraknya kejahatan cybercrime ini. Dan semakin bahaya pula tingkat kejahatannya.
Berikut adalah upaya-upaya yang dapat dilakukan untuk mengatasi cybercrime:
1. Computer Related Crime (CRC) harus dikriminalisasikan.
2. Diperlukan hukum acara yang tepat untuk penyidikan dan penuntutan terhadap penjahat mayantara (cyber criminals).
3. Harus ada kerja antara pemerintah dan industri terhadap tujuan umum pencegahan dan penaggulanagn kejahatan komputer agar internet menjadi aman.
4. Diperlukan kerjasama internasional untuk menelusuri atau mencari para penjahat internet.
5. PBB harus mengambil langkah atau tindak lanjut yang berhubungan dengan bantuan dan kerja sama teknis dalam penaggulangan computer related crime (CRC).
6. Mengembangkan tindakan-tindakan pencegahan dan pengamanan komputer.
7. Melakukan langkah-langkah untuk membuat peka warga masyarakat, aparat pengadilan dan penegak hukum, terhadap pentingnya pencegahan kejahatan yang berhubungan dengan komputer.
8. Melakukan upaya-upaya pelatihan (training) bagi para hakim, pejabat dan para penegak hukum mengenai kejahatan ekonomi dan cyber crime.
9. Mengembangkan penelitian dan analisis lebih lanjut guna menemukan cara-cara baru menghadapi problem Cyber Crime pada masa yang akan datang.

Selasa, 19 Juni 2012

causative verb

Causative verb

Causative verb menunjukkan bahwa seseorang/sesuatu secara tidak langsung bertanggung jawab terhadap sebuah tindakan. Subjek tidak melakukan tindakan itu sendiri, tetapi justru menyebabkan seseorang/sesuatu yang lain melakukannya.


  •          Let
   [let + person + verb]

  •         Make
   [make + person + verb]

  •          Have
   [have + person + verb]

  •          Get
   [get + person + to + verb]

Complete the sentences below using correct form of the verbs “let”, “make”, “have”, and “get”

1.      Yesterday we .....  a good time
Answer : had

2.      Tomorrow I will .....  a very pleasant surprise.
Answer : have

3.      She ..... her children do their homework.
Answer : made

4.      Please .....  your secretary fax me the information.
Answer : have

5.      Rina ..... her son to take the medicine even though it tasted terrible.
Answer : got

6.      I ..... my young brother cut my hair
Answer : have

7.      Dr. Riechal..... his nurse take the patient's temperature.
Answer : had

8.      The government TV commercials are trying to ..... people to stop smoking.
Answer : get

9.      I ..... the mechanic to check my brakes.
Answer : got

10.  Will your parents ..... you going with me?
Answer : let

11.  My father .....  me choose my own future carrier.
Answer : let

12.  The woman ..... her daughter eat up the tomatoes.
Answer : made

13.  The manager ..... her staff work hard.
Answer : made

14.  She ..... her parents to buy her a tennis racket.
Answer : got

15.  Leo ..... the money saved in the bank.
Answer : got

16.  Sad movies ...... me cry.
Answer : make

17.  The robber ..... the teller give him the money.
Answer : made

18.  The lecture ..... the students leave class early.
Answer : let

19.  Roy  ..... Rere drive his car
Answer : let

20.  Dery  ..... Mike borrow his motorcycle.
Answer : let


Minggu, 03 Juni 2012

Targeting the Tobacco Industry’s Influence in Indonesia

Indonesia’s weak regulations on cigarette sales and advertising make it the last remaining haven for the international tobacco industry, says a consumer protection activist marking World No Tobacco Day.
TulusAbadi, manager of the Indonesian Consumer Protection Foundation (YLKI), pointed out on Wednesday that although China and India had more smokers than Indonesia, the latter was the only country in the Asia-Pacific region not to have ratified the World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control.
That lumps Indonesia in a group of just 11 countries, alongside Somalia and Zimbabwe, that have not ratified the FCTC.
This, Tulus said, was because the country’s powerful tobacco lobby was hard at work undermining the government’s tobacco control policies.
“Take, for instance, Government Regulation No. 81 of 1999,” he said. “That contained quite a spectacular clause, one that banned tobacco advertising on electronic media.”
The regulation was issued by FaridAnfasaMoeloek, the health minister under President B.J. Habibie and a prominent tobacco-control activist. It was maintained under President Abdurrahman “Gus Dur” Wahid, but promptly repealed when Megawati Sukarnoputri became president.
Tulus said other indications of the tobacco industry’s interference could be seen in the omission of nicotine from a list of addictive substances in the 1992 Health Law; in constitutional reviews filed against regional bylaws on smoking-free zones; and in delays to the planned issuance of a government regulation on tobacco control.
The theme for this year’s World No Tobacco Day, which falls today, is Tobacco Industry Interference. The WHO says the campaign “will focus on the need to expose and counter the tobacco industry’s brazen and increasingly aggressive attempts to undermine the FCTC because of the serious danger they pose to public health.”
“The tobacco industry has used its economic power, lobbying and marketing machinery, and manipulation of the media to discredit scientific research and influence governments in order to propagate the sale and distribution of its deadly product,” the organization says.
“Furthermore, the tobacco industry continues to inject large philanthropic contributions into social programs worldwide to create a positive public image under the guise of corporate social responsibility.”
SamleePlianbangchang, director of the WHO’s Southeast Asia region, said in a statement released on Wednesday that governments in the region needed to do more to tackle this interference, particularly in light of the marketing methods being employed by the tobacco industry.
One in 10 schoolchildren in the region is offered free tobacco products, he said, while in some countries tobacco companies are suing governments over restrictions on cigarette packaging, on the grounds that their freedom of expression is being violated.
Tulus said there are other more subtle ways that the industry gets its message across, including via corporate social responsibility programs and scholarships.
He argued that as a “harmful industry,” big tobacco should not be allowed to carry out CSR programs. CSR, he said, was meant to show a company’s responsibility to the local people and one of its key values was compliance with the law.
“But we all know that the tobacco industry is the least compliant when it comes to the regulations,” Tulus said.
AristMerdekaSirait, chairman of the National Commission for Child Protection (KomnasAnak), said that while he was not opposed to tobacco companies doing CSR, he objected to use of their brands in the programs.
“If they are sincere in helping others, people don’t have to know that the help came from a cigarette company,” he said.
He argued that CSR, charity work or scholarships from big tobacco were no different from advertisements.
“If [the brands] continue to be mentioned, it will be planted in our children’s minds that cigarette companies are good.”
But HasanAoni Aziz Us, from the Association of Indonesian Cigarette Producers (Gappri), said tobacco companies should not be discouraged from doing valuable work through CSR.
“Every year, there is never enough funding from the state budget or regional budget for development,” he said recently. “Cigarette companies help fill that hole.”

Sumber :http://www.thejakartaglobe.com/news/targeting-the-tobacco-industrys-influence-in-indonesia/521224

Comment :
Weak regulation in the sale and advertising of cigarettes in Indonesia and the opportunity to make excellent profits for the international tobacco industry. Government Regulation Number 81 Year 1999, which prohibits tobacco advertising in electronic media, this time as neglected by the government. This illustrates that as the country's powerful tobacco lobby is working hard to undermine the government tobacco control policy.
An industry say that the tobacco industry has used its economic power, lobbying and marketing machinery, and media manipulation to discredit scientific research and government influence to spread the sale and distribution of products that kill. And the tobacco industry continues to inject large philanthropic contributions into social programs around the world to create a positive public image under the guise of corporate social responsibility.

The more dangerous, methods of marketing that made ​​the tobacco industry is not very good. They distribute free tobacco products to one of 10 school children in the region. and the more disappointing that the tobacco industry to provide assistance, charity work and scholarship using massive advertising and brand to include them in the program. Should, if they are sincere in helping others, people do not have to know that help is coming from a tobacco company. And if the brand continues to mention, it will be planted in the minds of our children that tobacco companies are good.

Jakarta to Build 33 Alternative Gas Stations This Year

State gas distributor Perusahaan Gas Negara aims to construct 33 gas stations for alternative gas-based fuel in Jakarta to support the government’s newly-launched fuel-saving campaign.

There are already nine such stations, known as SPBG, in Jakarta, PGN director JobiTriananda during a discussion on energy saving in Jakarta on Saturday. Instead of kerosene and diesel, the SPBG stations provide a compressed-natural-gas-based fuel called BBG.

The new stations would support the government’s promotion of alternative fuel, part of President SusiloBambangYudhoyono’s drive to cut down the use of subsidized fuel.

“This year we will build 33 SPBGs, and next year we will try to build even more,” Jobi said.
Echoing a statement on Friday by Transportation Minister E. E. Mangindaan, Jobi said public transportation systems such as TransJakarta buses would be prioritized in the conversion program.

Mangindaan has said the government would provide free conversion kits to support the shift. He has also asked state oil and gas firm Pertamina to equip their gas stations with gas dispensers.
Jobi said private car owners were expected to follow suit.

“We’re seeking to make SPBGs available everywhere so that people will try cheaper and more environmentally-friendly fuel,” he said.

Sumber :http://www.thejakartaglobe.com/home/jakarta-to-build-33-alternative-gas-stations-this-year/521785

Comment :

Construction of 33 gas stations for gas-based fuel in Jakarta is very good. This is done to support government efforts to save fuel. In Jakarta there are nine stations, known as SPBG.

This new station will support the government's promotion of alternative fuels, part of the impulse of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono to cut subsidized fuel use. Public transport system which preferred in the conversion program is TransJakarta Bus.
This activity is very good and aims to help people in order to try and maybe switch to gas-based fuel that is cheaper and environmentally friendly. Especially because of the availability of fuel oil (BBM) is stretched thin. And also to reduce state expenditures, by reducing fuel subsidies.